Michelle's independent resources for ESL Students at Vancouver Community College

This is a Canadian ESL blog for Intermediate and Advanced Students who want to learn and improve their English. Each PAGE above contains thousands of free English lessons, tutorials and practice exercises to help you learn and improve your English grammar, reading, listening, pronunciation, speaking, writing and editing. Some of the resources are Canadian. Others are from around the world.

The resources on this Canadian blog are all free, and I spend a lot of my time working on it, so please consider becoming a SUPPORTER. I appreciate all the support I get. It is the fuel that keeps me going.

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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Back to Normal

We live in a beautiful province. This is the lake at the top of Diamond Head Park. It is a great hike in the summer if you are fit.   This is up past Whistler. My husband tool this picture.  

So, I'm back in class and we only have three weeks left of class before final exams. This means you're going to have to work hard - especially on your speaking, listening and writing. Having a speaking partner can help you to practice outside of class. 

Also I strongly recommend that you try out some of the links on the side on the right hand side. The You Tube links are fun. The listening links will give you lots of practice with many kinds of listening. Also, both the reading and the listening links will allow you to read and listen at the same time. In this way you can read out loud yourself. I am trying to put a recorder on the blog that will allow you to speak and hear yourself.  I will also explain a few specific sites in another post. 

I would really appreciate if you wrote a comment to the following question. 

What do you think we should concentrate on for the next few weeks?

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